Woodlands Kaytee Woodlands Wild Bird Food, 20 lb, 20 Pound
Grain Products, Oil Sunflower, Calcium CarbonateproductAttributes.Brand Information
Feeding and watching wild birds is easy & fun! It is one of the most popular outdoor activities in America. Kaytee® supplies the best seed blends & suet for wild bird feeding and has been in business for over 140 years. All of the Kaytee® Wild Bird products are tested to assure your success in attracting the widest variety of wild birds for your enjoyment.
productAttributes.Product Marketing
Woodlands™ Wild Bird Food is a classic blend of ingredients that easily attracts a wide variety of wild birds. Whether you are a new hinder or a real enthusiast, this blend offers you a great value for your money. It includes a variety of grains, including black oil sunflower seed, which is one of the birds' most highly desired foods. Typical birds you can expect to attract with Woodlands Wild Bird Food are: Blue Jays, Scrub Jays, Cardinals, Purple Finches, Goldfinches, House Finches, Mourning Doves, Sparrows (all types), Grosbeaks, Nutharches, Chickadees, Mockingbirds, California Towhees and more!
Grain Products, Oil Sunflower, Calcium Carbonate